Here is what I started with:

Purchases:Floral print culotte dress $ 6.99
Jeans 2.95
Hot pink jacket 1.00
Violet shirt 1.00
Orange blouse and pants 1.00
Shoes 3.00
Purse 1.99
Napkin rings (6x$.25) 1.50
TOTAL $19.43
From My Stash:Golden acrylic paints and mediums
Black cord for necklace
Button cover for pin
Button for fabric pin
Krylon gold webbing spray for necklace
Metal foil scraps for necklace
Pin backs
Ribbon and fabric scraps for the scarf
Snap for hot pink jacket
Here are the finished items used to put together the seven outfits:

The first task was to convert the culottes into a regular dress.

The long-sleeved lavender shirt was used as is, but a pin was added to gather it under the bust to give it a little more shape. The pin could be placed elsewhere, or more than one pin could be used, or no pins.

The collar was removed from hot pink jacket and the new neckline stitched closed with the existing facing. I wanted to keep a little cap on the sleeve, so I opened the seam on the bottom half of the armscye and cut the sleeve off so that fabric could be doubled for the sleeve cap. I cut a facing for the lower armscye. Patch pockets were removed and replaced on the reshaped jacket. The former lapels were folded in flat. On the left side a 2.5” buttonhole was made. On the right side a piece of fabric was sewn to the lapel to go through the buttonhole. A snap holds the flap in place.

The orange pants were cut off below the knee and a band was added to make ties to knot at the side. The orange shirt sleeves were gathered to the shoulder seam and tied with self fabric made into two tubes each 12” long. At the hem of the blouse I rounded the corners in front and at the sides with the overlock serger to echo the scallop shapes in the sleeves and pant legs.

The jeans were painted with acrylic paint. The colors of the flowers echo the colors of the Indian print dress.

The shoes were rubbed with alcohol and painted with acrylic paints. I painted the soles a bright red (why not?). Then I sealed all with acrylic gloss medium.

The beads are napkin rings. Scraps of metal foil were glued on and let dry. Then acrylic paint was daubed and dripped on. Next I sprayed them with Krylon gold webbing. Finally they were sealed with acrylic gloss medium.

The scarf was made with leftover fabric from the alterations and with scraps from my stash. The scarf edge was overlocked. One pin was made from the jacket shoulder pads, and the other from a fabric scrap onto a covered button.

The purse is used as-is.

Day One
Lavender shirt

Day Two
Lavender shirt
Orange blouse

Day Three
Lavender shirt
Orange blouse

Day Four
Lavender shirt
Button pin

Day Five
Hot pink jacket

Day Six
Orange blouse
Orange pants

Day One
Lavender shirt

Day Two
Lavender shirt
Orange blouse

Day Three
Lavender shirt
Orange blouse

Day Four
Lavender shirt
Button pin

Day Five
Hot pink jacket

Day Six
Orange blouse
Orange pants
The jeans, shoes and scarf were included in the Spring 2009 issue of Altered Couture magazine.